Proposals had been submitted to Hartlepool Borough Council planning department for the development over 5.93 hectares of undeveloped agricultural land in Wynyard, south of the A689.
The application from Wynyard Homes sought to provide 51 new three and four bedroom properties at the site, which will comprise of a mixture of three types of bungalow and chalet bungalow.
However 25 objections were submitted opposing the plans, raising concerns around overdevelopment in Wynyard, the loss of green space, increased traffic and the lack of amenities to support the growing population.
Councillors at the latest meeting of the planning committee (on Wednesday, April 17) approved the application, with eight in favour and two abstentions, in line with recommendations from officers.
Council planners had ruled the proposal “represents sustainable development” and the provision of bungalows is “welcome and provides further range and choice of housing at Wynyard”.
This approval is subject to a legal agreement securing more than £835,000 in planning contributions from the developer towards the likes of affordable housing, primary and secondary school provision, highways improvements and NHS, sports and play facilities in the area.
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Keith Malcolm, chair of Wynyard Parish Council (Hartlepool), spoke at the meeting raising concerns over the development, the time it will take, the traffic it will generate and the continued lack of facilities in the area.
He said: “Our objections are based upon what we conceive is further overdevelopment, loss of open green space, loss of recreational area and natural habitats.”
The development will be accessed via Stoney Wood Drive and will link to a previously approved adjacent scheme for 143 properties from Robertson Homes.