Around 2,000 new homes are set to be built in Woolwell following approval from South Hams planners.
The approval is for two schemes- A with around 1,640 homes and B with around 360 homes.
Scheme A passed with 6 for 4 against and 2 abstentions and scheme B with 9 for 3 against and 0 abstentions.
In the main scheme, 8.7 per cent of the homes will be affordable, reflecting the developer’s plans to build amenities, including a new school. In the other school, the affordable housing level is set at 30 per cent.
A small group of existing residents who object to the plans went along to Follaton House in Totnes to hear the final debate.
A petition was also submitted with more than 1660 objections.

South Hams District Council Planning Committee (Richard Harding)
Woolwell Cllr Nicky Hopwood was also in attendance but wasn’t allowed to speak as she is not a member of the Planning Committee.
Cllr Hopwood said: ” I’m absolutely gutted for the residents of Woolwell.
“This has been an over seven-year battle.
“Members need to think of residents when looking at planning applications.
The residents of Woolwell are going to suffer mainly with the main access to the site and although conditions have been put on that, for me it’s not good enough.
“The residents will have 15 to 20 years of hell and I’m really, really disappointed.”
Woolwell resident Eric Dravell said: “I am disappointed that the planning officers ignored or dismissed many of the reasonable concerns and objections from our elected representatives.”
“Both of us have serious concerns about Woolwell Road going past the school and there are always vehicles parked along there.”
The one new concession made by developers was that construction vehicles would only use Woolwell Road and Pick Pie Drive between 9.30 am and 3 pm and then between 4 pm and 6 pm.
There are predicted to be around 226 traffic movements a day.
It is not known when construction work will begin.