CWAC has launched a pre-planning online survey on plans for the facility to be built as part of the Kings Moat housing development off Wrexham Road next to the city centre.
Taylor Wimpey and Redrow have permission to develop more than 1,400 homes on the wider Wrexham Road site, which covers more than 150 acres from the southern edge of Chester to the A483.
Ahead of a planning application being submitted for the school Cheshire West and Chester Council is sharing the proposed design before finalising proposals.
The architect for the project is Lovelock Mitchell with Fenton & Reece appointed as the landscape architects.
Approved in principle as part of the master plan for the Kings Moat development, the detailed design of the proposed primary school, covering external appearance, landscaping, site layout, and scale, will be subject to a reserved matters planning application this autumn.
You can view the consultation and survey, which runs until September 6, on the council’s website here.
The Kings Moat development is expected to result in approximately 300 children aged four to 11 requiring school places in the local area.
Plans are being drawn up for an initial mixed-gender 210-place mainstream primary school, with the capacity to add another 105 places as the housing development progresses and the pupil place need arises.

The primary school would serve the 1,400 home Kings Moat development. Credit: CWAC
The plans include a pre-school provision of 26 places. It has been estimated that the school would be required to open at the earliest, in September 2026.
It would be centrally in the site located close to community playing fields, a 3G pitch, and public space, Moat Park.
The school site would be accessed from Moat Lane, the secondary spine road for the housing development to link two roundabouts along the A483 Wrexham Road providing access to Chester Business Park.
Cllr Adam Langan, cabinet member for children and young people said: “We want to hear the views of those living nearby so that we can take their feedback into account when the school’s design is finalised.
“The new school has been designed to offer a full range of facilities from three to 11 years of age alongside community uses and will have a comprehensive school travel plan to encourage walking, wheeling, and cycling by both staff and pupils and reduce car journeys.”