Spanish beer titan rolls multi-million marketing

AUTHENTIC Spanish beer brand Estrella Galicia has kicked off a major £10million marketing campaign in the UK to drive awareness for the brand’s Spanish provenance.
Dubbed the ‘Spanish not Span-ish‘ campaign, the brand aims to shine a light on the authentic Spanish brew which is brewed completely in Galicia in Spain.
The brand claims that 80% of the top ‘world lagers’ are actually brewed here in the UK, whereas Estrella Galicia touts its Spanish heritage.
This marketing line will be brought to life via a comedy skit for media and social channels with wider support rolling across radio and digital ads, out-of-home ads in cities across the UK, PR activity as well as social and off-trade support.
Estrella Galicia is a fourth-generation family-owned brewery which has been producing beer in the same Galician region of Spain that it takes its name from since 1906.
Aitor Artaza, managing director for Estrella Galicia International said: “The UK is an important market for us as people here embrace authenticity and the heritage of brands.
“That’s why we have put a multi-million pound investment behind the brand to ensure that people are aware of it and its genuine Spanish provenance.
“We also intended to give a gentle hint that not all beer brands can say the same. Together with our sports partnerships, we are expecting to see the brand continue to grow in the UK.”