A property investment service called Deluze Holiday Homes has analysed apartment prices per square meter across much of Europe over the past 12 months.
Serbia tops the list with the most significant increase in apartment prices per square meter in Europe with a jump of 82.66%. Serbia remains at the lower end in terms of average income at $832 and a modest cost of living at $698, making this sharp increase stand out even more against its economic situation.
Lithuania takes the second spot with a 75.78% jump in its real estate prices per square meter. This growth comes against a backdrop of an average income of $1,624 and living expenses at $828, marking Lithuania as a country experiencing rapid property market growth while maintaining moderate living costs.
Romania, third in the rankings, showcased a 74.50% hike in apartment prices per square meter. With an average income of $1,093 and a cost of living at $679, Romania’s significant price increase highlights a growth trend in its housing market against relatively lower living expenses.
Malta, ranking fourth, sees apartment prices per square meter increase by 47.54%. The island’s average income is $1,369 with a higher cost of living at $1000, reflecting a considerable growth in property prices against its Mediterranean lifestyle.
Spain, placed at fifth position, experienced a 44.34% growth in apartment prices per square meter. Spain balances this increase with an average income of $2,409 and a cost of living at $828, indicating a healthy real estate market that aligns with its economic status.
Greece holds the sixth position with a 38.47% increase and has the lowest price per square meter in the list. Greeks have an average income of $1,062 and face living costs at $891, situating Greece as a country with moderate growth in housing prices considering its economic environment.
Estonia is seventh, reporting a 31.76% rise in apartment prices per square meter. With an average income of $1,790 and a cost of living at $952, Estonia presents a balanced approach to its real estate market growth.
Germany ranks eight and sees a 19.90% increase in apartment prices per square meter. Germany combines this with one of the highest average incomes among these countries at $3,429 and a cost of living at $1,075, showcasing a solid yet accessible market for its residents.
Switzerland, in ninth place, experiences a 14.56% growth in apartment prices per square meter and has the highest price on the list. This increase is set against the highest cost of living at $1,460 and an average income of $6,601. Switzerland tops the charts in average income, cost of living, and price per square meter.
Belgium completes the list in 10th place, with a 10.84% rise in apartment prices per square meter. With an average income of $4,427 and living costs at $1,078, Belgium shows stable and balanced market growth, reflective of its overall economic health.
Reference area
Per Square Meter 24
Per Square Meter 2023
Average Income
Cost of Living
Change in Percentage