Average Property Prices in Swinton
The average property price in this area is £149,668.
Average Rental Yield in Swinton
The average rental yield in this area is 4.82%
(Average property prices were taken from Rightmove in late 2023, and the rental yield estimates were calculated with figures from housesforsaletorent.co.uk in the same period)
What is the Best Area of Rotherham to Invest in?
Generally, a high rental yield can be achieved in Rotherham thanks to the relatively lower property prices on offer. The best average yields can be found in the more inner-city areas, like Eastwood, where the property prices are exceptionally low. However, Eastwood has had some bad press in recent years, meaning the suburb and surrounding areas may not be that appealing to prospective tenants.
While the village of Rawmarsh is sometimes considered a more deprived area, the S62 postcode has been called one of the top 20 places in the UK for a family home based on local amenities. As a more affordable area, a good rental yield can be achieved here. Parkgate, which is classed as a ward of Rawmarsh, is even cheaper for property and can offer a higher gross average rental yield of 6.96%.
The S65 postcode is also home to University Centre Rotherham, a £10.5 million new facility for students and adult learners in the heart of Rotherham.
Many of the surrounding villages are too expensive to give a high rental yield, but there may be good deals in separate towns such as Swinton.