Shawbrook Bank has rolled out a series of criteria changes designed to support both new entrants and seasoned investors in expanding their property portfolios.
It’s broadened its scope for multi-unit freehold blocks (MUFBs), now welcoming first-time landlords seeking MUFBs up to six units.
Shawbrook has also enhanced its commercial proposition by increasing the maximum LTV to 75% for industrial properties, offering loans available on interest-only, part-capital, or full capital repayment. This supports landlords in diversifying their portfolios with commercial properties, with rates starting from 7.39% at 75% LTV.
Recognising that SME landlords are meeting growing demand for social housing in the UK, Shawbrook has also enhanced its proposition for lending on these types of properties. Shawbrook’s Complex Buy-to-Let products are available on single let or HMO properties let to social housing or supported living operators.
It has also released new criteria that supports landlords choosing to acquire the shares of a property-owning company, as opposed to the individual properties themselves with no minimum loan size. This strategic change aims to provide landlords with a variety of lending solutions, delivering specialist finance to their diverse customer base.
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