Aldermore has cut rates across its buy to let and residential owner occupier mortgages – the latest in a series of rate cuts by lenders vying for landlord clients.
For new customers, the BTL range has rates reduced by up to 0.20% and for residential owner occupiers, rates are cut by up to 0.50% (up to 80% LTV).
Additionally, there are new residential owner occupier limited edition two and three year fixed rates (up to 80% LTV), with a 1% discount off AMR reversion rate.
Jon Cooper, director of mortgages at Aldermore, comments: “We’re pleased to introduce a wide array of rate cuts to support brokers in finding solutions for their clients. These reductions give both landlords and homebuyers valuable choice and competitive pricing, at a time when the optimism and outlook within the market starts to grow.”
The following rates are available immediately:
For new customers
– Fixed rates reduced by up to 0.20%
Residential owner occupiers
Up to 80% LTV
– Fixed rates reduced by up to 0.50%
– New limited edition 2 year and 3 year fixed rates with a discounted reversion rate
For existing customers
– All fixed rates reduced by 0.20%
Residential owner occupier
Up to 80% LTV
– Fixed rates reduced by up to 0.40%