PLANS to build three bungalows in the gardens of two homes have been lodged.
Merryfield Homes Ltd have applied for outline planning permission for the scheme in Wheelers Lane in Bournemouth.
The plans, if approved, would see three detached, two-bedroom bungalows built in the gardens of two bungalows that front onto the road.
A single shared driveway would be built to give access to the new bungalows, with each new home having two allocated parking spaces each.
A planning statement submitted by Spruce Town Planning on behalf of the applicant said the proposal would make a more efficient use of the site.
It said the two current buildings sit on plots that are ‘among the larger on the street’, which gives the developer scope for development.
“The existing houses at nos.41 and 43 will be unaltered and will retain generous rear gardens,” the statement said. “Their front gardens and access will be altered where necessary to provide the new access to the new homes.
The statement said each bungalow has been designed as a small family home.
“This form of development will also ensure that they respect the setting and character of the site and surrounding area,” it said.
“Appropriate separation distances to the existing surrounding properties are included and will protect the privacy, daylight and amenity of the new dwellings and neighbouring sites.
“Contextually, the new homes will only be partially glimpsed in views from Wheelers Lane and are intended to complement the neighbouring properties.”
The trio of new bungalows would have ‘appropriately sized’ gardens for the houses proposed.
The applicant pointed to other examples in the area where plots have been subdivided to create new homes.
It added that land to the west of the road has been developed with the construction of 324 homes, saying that there is scope for the proposed development.
A design statement from Bear Architects concluded that the proposals would provide sought after accommodation in the area.
A neighbour consultation on the plans will end on August 30. There is no date set at this stage for a decision.